- To conduct research and prepare strategic action plans in key thematic areas such as socio-economic condition, protection and promotion of human rights, community development and environment protection.
- Institutional and capacity building of vulnerable communities, professionals, youth and humanitarian activists for recognition their role as change agents in community.
- To establish the centers for skill development and for the development of small enterprises and livelihood opportunities with focus on programmes for women, children, minorities and other vulnerable groups.
- To launch advocacy and campaigns for policy legislation for the rights of vulnerable communities and implementation of UN treaties, principles, guidelines and recommendations.
- Mobilizing resources through trainings, researches, philanthropy etc. for supporting humanitarian crises and other natural disasters in the country.
- To develop national and international linkages among the civil society organization groups for diversity and other emerging approaches.
- To promote peace, and interfaith harmony among different sects in the society.
- To improve health and educational status of depriving groups for reducing poverty
- Ensuring the provision of basic health and education services in marginalized communities of the country.
Our Key Thematic Program Area
- Research, Advocacy and Policy dialogue
- Human Resource Development
- Health & Education (Social Service)
- Human Rights
- Environment Protection
Our Values
- Respect for human rights
- Transparency
- Integrity
- Non-discrimination
- Accountability
- Efficiency
- Collaboration
Our Working Strategy
We will work through Research, advocacy, capacity building, awareness, policy dialogue and community bases support for brining sustainable change.