In addition to actively providing reproductive health services through its health projects, MIRA also advocates for mobilizing increased resources for reproductive health in Pakistan. Pakistan’s Demographic and Health Survey (2006-07) revealed that 0.7% of its GDP was spent on health care; one of the lowest health spending’s in South Asia. And even with some 65,000 registered civil society organizations in Pakistan, there is a lack of networking at a societal level on reproductive health and awareness amongst local communities.
MIRA continues to develop advocacy strategies to help raise reproductive health awareness on a national level with parliamentarians, civil servants, and international donors. The organization also raises awareness within local communities and encourages them to advocate for increased resources and improved access to reproductive health services.
MIRA has established a Marvi Mother and Child Health Care Center at Umerkot. The MCH Center is providing primary as well as territory care to poor of the poorest people district Umerkot and its surrounding districts. The facility provides following services to community with subsidized charges;
- Pediatrics
- Family Practice
- Internal Medicine
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Endocrinology
- Counselling
- EPIs